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Please note that because those clean cards are made from stitching a background and a render together, both are watermarked and there might be extra effects present on the full cards that are not present on the clean cards.
Please understand that skill cards, such as Birthday cards, do not have an available clean version.
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フレーム付きのカードを見る、 ここで。
いくつかの背景透過のカード、 ここで。
このページのカードは、「背景透過カード」と「背景」を組み合わせる。 そのため、これらのカードはフレーム付きのカードとは異なる場合があります。
Bokura wa Ima no Naka de
Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki
School Unity
Snow halation
China Girl
Blazers, Hat
Korekara no Someday
Wedding-style Costume
Punkish Rock Girl
Dancing stars on me!
Swimsuit-style Costume
Music S.T.A.R.T!!
Subunit cards
BiBi: Leather Gloss Queen - lily white: Purely Clear - Printemps: Flowery Heart
BiBi: Leather Gloss Queen - lily white: Purely Clear - Printemps: Flowery Heart
Cyber Girl
Subunit cards
lily white: Tropical Pareo - Printemps: Flower Tyrol - BiBi: Steam Peak
lily white: Tropical Pareo - Printemps: Flower Tyrol - BiBi: Steam Peak
Otonokizaka Uniform (Winter)
Yukata-style Costume
Nine-Star Venus
Candy Pop Princess
Subunit cards
Printemps: Fairy Angel - lily white: Gracey Parfait - BiBi: Vivid Neon Girl
Printemps: Fairy Angel - lily white: Gracey Parfait - BiBi: Vivid Neon Girl
Sterling Racegirl
Maid in Wonderland