Inspiration Skills
For Training Camp combinations please see this link.
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Type | Skill | Rarity |
アピール+ [小] 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:自身 | |
Appeal+ [small] Increases own Appeal stat by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小] 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:自身 | |
Critical+ [small] Increases the Critical value of taps on self by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小] 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small] Increases own skill activation rate by 0.3% |
タイプ効果+ [小] 基本タイプ効果が0.5%上昇 対象:自身 | |
Type effect+ [small] Increases own type bonus by 0.5% |
アピール+ [小]:仲間 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal+ [small]: allies Increases Appeal stat of all other team members by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小]:仲間 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical+ [small]: allies Increases the Critical value of taps on all other team members by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小]:仲間 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: allies Increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 0.3% |
アピール+ [小]:同学年 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal+ [small]: year group Increases Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小]:同学年 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:同学年 | |
Critical+ [small]: year group Increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same year group by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小]:同学年 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: year group Increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 0.3% |
アピール+ [小]:同学校 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal+ [small]: school Increases Appeal stat of members of the same school by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小]:同学校 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:同学校 | |
Critical+ [small]: school Increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same school by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小]:同学校 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: school Increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 0.3% |
アピール+ [小]:同作戦 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal+ [small]: subunit Increases Appeal stat of members in the same subunit by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小]:同作戦 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical+ [small]: subunit Increases the Critical value of taps on members in the same subunit by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小]:同作戦 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: subunit Increases the skill activation rate of members in the same subunit by 0.3% |
アピール+ [小]:タイプ 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal+ [small]: type Increases Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小]:タイプ 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical+ [small]: type Increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same type by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小]:タイプ 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: type Increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 0.3% |
アピール+ [小]:同属性 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal+ [small]: attribute Increases Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小]:同属性 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:同属性 | |
Critical+ [small]: attribute Increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same attribute by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小]:同属性 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: attribute Increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 0.3% |
アピール+ [大] 基本アピールが3%増加 対象:自身 | |
Appeal+ [big] Increases own Appeal stat by 3% |
クリティカル+ [大] 基本クリティカル値が3%上昇 対象:自身 | |
Critical+ [big] Increases the Critical value of taps on self by 3% |
特技発動率+ [大] 基本特技発動率が1%上昇 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate+ [big] Increases own skill activation rate by 1% |
タイプ効果+ [中] 基本タイプ効果が1%上昇 対象:自身 | |
Type effect+ [medium] Increases own type bonus by 1% |
ボルテージ獲得 [小]:AC時 自身のアピールの20%ボルテージを獲得 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% | |
Voltage gain [small]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, gives a Voltage boost equal to 20% of own Appeal (22% activation chance) |
スタミナ回復 [小]:AC時 自身のスタミナの20%スタミナを回復 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% | |
Stamina recovery [small]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, recovers 20% Stamina (22% activation chance) |
シールド獲得 [小]:AC時 自身のスタミナの20%シールドを獲得 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% | |
Shield [small]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, grants a shield equal to 20% Stamina (22% activation chance) |
コンボ数UP [小]:AC時 コンボ数を5増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% | |
Combo count UP [small]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases combo count by 5 (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [大]:AC時 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal+ [big]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal CHance, increases own Appeal by 3% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [大]:AC時 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が3%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身 | |
Critical+ [big]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on self by 3% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [大]:AC時 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1.5%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate+ [big]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases own skill activation rate by 1.5% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [大]:AC時 5ノーツの間アピールが3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal UP [big]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases own Appeal by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [大]:AC時 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Voltage UP [big]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases own Voltage gain by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [大]:AC時 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が3%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Critical UP [big]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases own Critical rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [大]:AC時 5ノーツの間特技発動率が3%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate UP [big]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases own skill activation rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
SP特技UP [小]:AC時 1度だけSP特技で獲得するボルテージが自身のアピールの3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:18% | |
SP skill UP [small]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage boost of the next SP skill by 3% of own Appeal (18% activation chance) |
ダメージ軽減 [小]:AC時 5ノーツの間スタミナダメージを3%軽減 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% | |
Damage reduction [small]: AC If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, reduces damage taken by 3% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC / allies If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC / allies If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC / allies If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC時/仲間 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC / allies If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC時/仲間 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC / allies If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC時/仲間 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC / allies If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC時/仲間 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC / allies If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [小]:AC時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが1%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:30% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal+ [small]: AC / all If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (30% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [小]:AC時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:30% 対象:全員 | |
Critical+ [small]: AC / all If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (30% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [小]:AC時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:30% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: AC / all If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 0.5% for the remainder of the song (30% activation chance) |
アピールUP [小]:AC時/全員 5ノーツの間アピールが1%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal UP [small]: AC / all If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [小]:AC時/全員 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが1%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Voltage UP [small]: AC / all If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [小]:AC時/全員 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Critical UP [small]: AC / all If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [小]:AC時/全員 5ノーツの間特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:30% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate UP [small]: AC / all If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (30% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC / year group If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the game (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC / year group If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the game (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC / year group If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 1% for the remainder of the game (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC時/同学年 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC / year group If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC時/同学年 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC / year group If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC時/同学年 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC / year group If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC時/同学年 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC / year group If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC / school If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC / school If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC / school If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC時/同学校 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC / school If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC時/同学校 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC / school If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC時/同学校 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC / school If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC時/同学校 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC / school If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC / subunit If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC / subunit If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC / subunit If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC時/同作戦 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC / subunit If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC時/同作戦 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC / subunit If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC時/同作戦 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC / subunit If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC時/同作戦 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC / subunit If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC / type If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC / type If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC / type If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC時/タイプ 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC / type If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC時/タイプ 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC / type If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC時/タイプ 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC / type If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC時/タイプ 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC / type If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC / attribute If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC / attribute If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC / attribute If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC時/同属性 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC / attribute If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC時/同属性 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC / attribute If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC時/同属性 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC / attribute If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC時/同属性 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)開始時 確率:26% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC / attribute If activated at the beginning of Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
ボルテージ獲得 [小]:AC成功時 自身のアピールの20%ボルテージを獲得 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% | |
Voltage gain [small]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, gives a Voltage boost equal to 20% of own Appeal (18% activation chance) |
スタミナ回復 [小]:AC成功時 自身のスタミナの20%スタミナを回復 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% | |
Stamina recovery [small]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, recovers 20% Stamina (18% activation chance) |
シールド獲得 [小]:AC成功時 自身のスタミナの20%シールドを獲得 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% | |
Shield [small]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, grants a shield equal to 20% Stamina (18% activation chance) |
コンボ数UP [小]:AC成功時 コンボ数を5増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% | |
Combo count UP [small]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases combo count by 5 (18% activation chance) |
アピール+ [大]:AC成功時 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal+ [big]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases own Appeal stat by 3% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [大]:AC成功時 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が3%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Critical+ [big]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on self by 3% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [大]:AC成功時 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1.5%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate+ [big]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases own skill activation rate by 1.5% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
アピールUP [大]:AC成功時 5ノーツの間アピールが3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal UP [big]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases own Appeal stat by 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [大]:AC成功時 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Voltage UP [big]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases own Voltage gain by 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [大]:AC成功時 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が3%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Critical UP [big]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases own Critical rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [大]:AC成功時 5ノーツの間特技発動率が3%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate UP [big]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases own skill activation rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
SP特技UP [小]:AC成功時 1度だけSP特技で獲得するボルテージが自身のアピールの3%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:14% | |
SP skill UP [small]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage boost of the next SP skill by 3% of own Appeal (14% activation chance) |
ダメージ軽減 [小]:AC成功時 5ノーツの間スタミナダメージを3%軽減 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% | |
Damage reduction [small]: AC completion If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, reduces damage taken by 3% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC成功時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC completion / allies If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC成功時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC completion / allies If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC成功時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC completion / allies If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation of all other team members by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC成功時/仲間 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC completion / allies If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC成功時/仲間 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC completion / allies If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC成功時/仲間 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC completion / allies If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC成功時/仲間 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC completion / allies If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [小]:AC成功時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが1%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal+ [small]: AC completion / all If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [小]:AC成功時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Critical+ [small]: AC completion / all If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [小]:AC成功時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: AC completion / all If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 0.5% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [小]:AC成功時/全員 5ノーツの間アピールが1%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal UP [small]: AC completion / all If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [小]:AC成功時/全員 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが1%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Voltage UP [small]: AC completion / all If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [小]:AC成功時/全員 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Critical UP [small]: AC completion / all If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [小]:AC成功時/全員 5ノーツの間特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate UP [small]: AC completion / all If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC成功時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC completion / year group If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC成功時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC completion / year group If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC成功時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC completion / year group If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC成功時/同学年 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC completion / year group If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC成功時/同学年 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC completion / year group If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC成功時/同学年 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC completion / year group If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC成功時/同学年 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC completion / year group If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC成功時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC completion / school If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC成功時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC completion / school If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC成功時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC completion / school If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC成功時/同学校 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC completion / school If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC成功時/同学校 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC completion / school If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC成功時/同学校 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC completion / school If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC成功時/同学校 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC completion / school If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC成功時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC completion / subunit If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC成功時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC completion / subunit If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC成功時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC completion / subunit If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC成功時/同作戦 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC completion / subunit If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC成功時/同作戦 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC completion / subunit If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC成功時/同作戦 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC completion / subunit If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC成功時/同作戦 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC completion / subunit If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC成功時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC completion / type If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC成功時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC completion / type If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC成功時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC completion / type If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC成功時/タイプ 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC completion / type If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC成功時/タイプ 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC completion / type If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC成功時/タイプ 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC completion / type If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC成功時/タイプ 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC completion / type If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:AC成功時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: AC completion / attribute If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:AC成功時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical+ [medium]: AC completion / attribute If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:AC成功時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: AC completion / attribute If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:AC成功時/同属性 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: AC completion / attribute If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:AC成功時/同属性 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: AC completion / attribute If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:AC成功時/同属性 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical UP [medium]: AC completion / attribute If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:AC成功時/同属性 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:アピールチャンス(AC)成功時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: AC completion / attribute If activated upon completing Appeal Chance, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
コンボ数UP [小]:曲開始時 コンボ数を5増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:18% | |
Combo count UP [small]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, increases combo count by 5 (18% activation chance) |
アピールUP [大]:曲開始時 5ノーツの間アピールが3%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal UP [big]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, increases own Appeal stat by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [大]:曲開始時 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが3%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Voltage UP [big]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, increases own Voltage gain by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [大]:曲開始時 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が3%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Critical UP [big]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, increases own Critical rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [大]:曲開始時 5ノーツの間特技発動率が3%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate UP [big]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, increases own skill activation rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
SP特技UP [小]:曲開始時 1度だけSP特技で獲得するボルテージが自身のアピールの3%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:18% | |
SP skill UP [small]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage boost of the next SP skill by 3% of own Appeal (18% activation chance) |
ダメージ軽減 [小]:曲開始時 5ノーツの間スタミナダメージを3%軽減 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:26% | |
Damage reduction [small]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, reduces damage taken by 3% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:曲開始時/仲間 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: beginning of the song / allies If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:曲開始時/仲間 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: beginning of the song / allies If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage gain of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:曲開始時/仲間 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical UP [medium]: beginning of the song / allies If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Critical rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:曲開始時/仲間 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: beginning of the song / allies If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [小]:曲開始時/全員 5ノーツの間アピールが1%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal UP [small]: beginning of the song / all If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [小]:曲開始時/全員 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが1%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Voltage UP [small]: beginning of the song / all If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage gain of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [小]:曲開始時/全員 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が1%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Critical UP [small]: beginning of the song / all If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Critical rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [小]:曲開始時/全員 5ノーツの間特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate UP [small]: beginning of the song / all If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:曲開始時/同学年 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: beginning of the song / year group If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:曲開始時/同学年 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: beginning of the song / year group If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:曲開始時/同学年 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical UP [medium]: beginning of the song / year group If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Critical rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:曲開始時/同学年 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: beginning of the song / year group If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:曲開始時/同学校 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: beginning of the song / school If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:曲開始時/同学校 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: beginning of the song / school If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:曲開始時/同学校 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical UP [medium]: beginning of the song / school If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Critical rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:曲開始時/同学校 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: beginning of the song / school If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:曲開始時/同作戦 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: beginning of the song / subunit If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:曲開始時/同作戦 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: beginning of the song / subunit If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage gain of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:曲開始時/同作戦 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical UP [medium]: beginning of the song / subunit If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Critical rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:曲開始時/同作戦 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: beginning of the song / subunit If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:曲開始時/タイプ 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal UP [medium]: beginning of the song / type If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:曲開始時/タイプ 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Voltage UP [medium]: beginning of the song / type If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:曲開始時/タイプ 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical UP [medium]: beginning of the song / type If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:曲開始時/タイプ 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: beginning of the song / type If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:曲開始時/同属性 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: beginning of the song / attribute If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:曲開始時/同属性 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: beginning of the song / attribute If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:曲開始時/同属性 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical UP [medium]: beginning of the song / attribute If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:曲開始時/同属性 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: beginning of the song / attribute If activated at the beginning of the song, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージ獲得 [小]:残80%時 自身のアピールの20%ボルテージを獲得 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Voltage gain [small]: 80% left If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, gives a Voltage boost equal to 20% of own Appeal (18% activation chance) |
スタミナ回復 [小]:残80%時 自身のスタミナの20%スタミナを回復 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Stamina recovery [small]: 80% left If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, recovers Stamina equal to 20% of own Stamina (18% activation chance) |
シールド獲得 [小]:残80%時 自身のスタミナの20%シールドを獲得 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Shield [small]: 80% left If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, grants a shield equal to 20% of own Stamina (18% activation chance) |
コンボ数UP [小]:残80%時 コンボ数を5増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Combo count UP [small]: 80% left If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, increases combo count by 5 (18% activation chance) |
アピール+ [大]:残80%時 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが3%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal+ [big]: 80% left If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases own Appeal stat by 3% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [大]:残80%時 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が3%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Critical+ [big]: 80% left If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on self by 3% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [大]:残80%時 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1.5%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate+ [big]: 80% left If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, increases own skill activation rate by 1.5% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
アピールUP [大]:残80%時 5ノーツの間アピールが3%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal UP [big]: 80% left If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases own Appeal stat by 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [大]:残80%時 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが3%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Voltage UP [big]: 80% left If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases own Voltage gainby 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [大]:残80%時 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が3%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Critical UP [big]: 80% left If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases own Critical rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [大]:残80%時 5ノーツの間特技発動率が3%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate UP [big]: 80% left If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases own skill activation rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
SP特技UP [小]:残80%時 1度だけSP特技で獲得するボルテージが自身のアピールの3%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:14% | |
SP skill UP [small]: 80% left If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage boost of the next SP skill by 3% of own Appeal (14% activation chance) |
ダメージ軽減 [小]:残80%時 5ノーツの間スタミナダメージを3%軽減 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% | |
Damage reduction [small]: 80% left If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, reduces damage taken by 3% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:残80%時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 80% left / allies If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:残80%時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 80% left / allies If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:残80%時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 80% left / allies If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:残80%時/仲間 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 80% left / allies If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:残80%時/仲間 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 80% left / allies If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage gain of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:残80%時/仲間 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 80% left / allies If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:残80%時/仲間 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 80% left / allies If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [小]:残80%時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが1%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal+ [small]: 80% left / all If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [小]:残80%時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Critical+ [small]: 80% left / all If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [小]:残80%時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: 80% left / all If activated when falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 0.5 for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
アピールUP [小]:残80%時/全員 5ノーツの間アピールが1%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal UP [small]: 80% left / all If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [小]:残80%時/全員 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが1%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Voltage UP [small]: 80% left / all If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage gain of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [小]:残80%時/全員 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Critical UP [small]: 80% left / all If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [小]:残80%時/全員 5ノーツの間特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate UP [small]: 80% left / all If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:残80%時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 80% left / year group If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:残80%時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 80% left / year group If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:残80%時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 80% left / year group If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:残80%時/同学年 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 80% left / year group If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:残80%時/同学年 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 80% left / year group If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:残80%時/同学年 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 80% left / year group If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:残80%時/同学年 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 80% left / year group If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:残80%時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 80% left / school If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:残80%時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 80% left / school If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:残80%時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 80% left / school If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:残80%時/同学校 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 80% left / school If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:残80%時/同学校 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 80% left / school If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:残80%時/同学校 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 80% left / school If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:残80%時/同学校 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 80% left / school If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:残80%時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 80% left / subunit If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:残80%時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 80% left / subunit If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:残80%時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 80% left / subunit If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:残80%時/同作戦 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 80% left / subunit If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:残80%時/同作戦 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 80% left / subunit If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage gain of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:残80%時/同作戦 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 80% left / subunit If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:残80%時/同作戦 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 80% left / subunit If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:残80%時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 80% left / type If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:残80%時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical+ [medium]: 80% left / type If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:残80%時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 80% left / type If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:残80%時/タイプ 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 80% left / type If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:残80%時/タイプ 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 80% left / type If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:残80%時/タイプ 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical UP [medium]: 80% left / type If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:残80%時/タイプ 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 80% left / type If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:残80%時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 80% left / attribute If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:残80%時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 80% left / attribute If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:残80%時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 80% left / attribute If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:残80%時/同属性 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 80% left / attribute If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:残80%時/同属性 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 80% left / attribute If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:残80%時/同属性 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 80% left / attribute If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:残80%時/同属性 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:スタミナが80%以下で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 80% left / attribute If activated upon falling under 80% Stamina, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージ獲得 [小]:30%達成時 自身のアピールの20%ボルテージを獲得 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Voltage gain [small]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, gives a Voltage boost equal to 20% of own Appeal (18% activation chance) |
スタミナ回復 [小]:30%達成時 自身のスタミナの20%スタミナを回復 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Stamina recovery [small]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, recovers Stamina equal to 20% Stamina (18% activation chance) |
シールド獲得 [小]:30%達成時 自身のスタミナの20%シールドを獲得 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Shield [small]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, grants a shield equal to 20% of own Stamina (18% activation chance) |
コンボ数UP [小]:30%達成時 コンボ数を5増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% | |
Combo count UP [small]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases combo count by 5 (18% activation chance) |
アピール+ [大]:30%達成時 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが3%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal+ [big]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases own Appeal stat by 3% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [大]:30%達成時 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が3%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Critical+ [big]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on self by 3% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [大]:30%達成時 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1.5%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate+ [big]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases own skill activation rate by 1.5% for the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
アピールUP [大]:30%達成時 5ノーツの間アピールが3%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Appeal UP [big]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases own Appeal stat by 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [大]:30%達成時 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが3%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Voltage UP [big]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases own Voltage gainby 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [大]:30%達成時 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が3%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:14% 対象:自身 | |
Critical UP [big]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases own Critical rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (14% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [大]:30%達成時 5ノーツの間特技発動率が3%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身 | |
Skill activation rate UP [big]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases own skill activation rate by 3% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
SP特技UP [小]:30%達成時 1度だけSP特技で獲得するボルテージが自身のアピールの3%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:14% | |
SP skill UP [small]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage boost of the next SP skill by 3% of own Appeal (14% activation chance) |
ダメージ軽減 [小]:30%達成時 5ノーツの間スタミナダメージを3%軽減 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% | |
Damage reduction [small]: 30% completion If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, reduces damage taken by 3% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:30%達成時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 30% completion / allies If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:30%達成時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 30% completion / allies If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on all other team members by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:30%達成時/仲間 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 30% completion / allies If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:30%達成時/仲間 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 30% completion / allies If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:30%達成時/仲間 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 30% completion / allies If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage gain of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:30%達成時/仲間 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 30% completion / allies If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:30%達成時/仲間 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 30% completion / allies If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [小]:30%達成時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが1%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal+ [small]: 30% completion / all If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [小]:30%達成時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Critical+ [small]: 30% completion / all If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on all members by 1% for the remainder of the song (26% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [小]:30%達成時/全員 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: 30% completion / all If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 0.5% the remainder of the song (18% activation chance) |
アピールUP [小]:30%達成時/全員 5ノーツの間アピールが1%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Appeal UP [small]: 30% completion / all If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [小]:30%達成時/全員 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが1%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Voltage UP [small]: 30% completion / all If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage gain of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [小]:30%達成時/全員 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:全員 | |
Critical UP [small]: 30% completion / all If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [小]:30%達成時/全員 5ノーツの間特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:26% 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate UP [small]: 30% completion / all If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of all members by 1% for the next 5 notes (26% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:30%達成時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 30% completion / year group If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:30%達成時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 30% completion / year group If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same year group by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:30%達成時/同学年 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 30% completion / year group If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:30%達成時/同学年 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 30% completion / year group If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:30%達成時/同学年 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 30% completion / year group If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:30%達成時/同学年 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学年 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 30% completion / year group If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:30%達成時/同学年 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 30% completion / year group If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:30%達成時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 30% completion / school If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:30%達成時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 30% completion / school If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same school by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:30%達成時/同学校 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 30% completion / school If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:30%達成時/同学校 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 30% completion / school If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:30%達成時/同学校 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 30% completion / school If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage gain of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:30%達成時/同学校 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同学校 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 30% completion / school If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:30%達成時/同学校 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 30% completion / school If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:30%達成時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 30% completion / subunit If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:30%達成時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 30% completion / subunit If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on cards in the same subunit by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:30%達成時/同作戦 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 30% completion / subunit If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:30%達成時/同作戦 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 30% completion / subunit If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:30%達成時/同作戦 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 30% completion / subunit If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage gain of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:30%達成時/同作戦 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 30% completion / subunit If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:30%達成時/同作戦 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 30% completion / subunit If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:30%達成時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 30% completion / type If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:30%達成時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical+ [medium]: 30% completion / type If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same type by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:30%達成時/タイプ ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 30% completion / type If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:30%達成時/タイプ 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 30% completion / type If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:30%達成時/タイプ 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 30% completion / type If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:30%達成時/タイプ 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical UP [medium]: 30% completion / type If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:30%達成時/タイプ 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 30% completion / type If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:30%達成時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: 30% completion / attribute If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
クリティカル+ [中]:30%達成時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical+ [medium]: 30% completion / attribute If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical value of taps on cards of the same attribute by 2% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
特技発動率+ [中]:30%達成時/同属性 ゲーム終了まで基本特技発動率が1%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: 30% completion / attribute If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 1% for the remainder of the song (22% activation chance) |
アピールUP [中]:30%達成時/同属性 5ノーツの間アピールが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal UP [medium]: 30% completion / attribute If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージUP [中]:30%達成時/同属性 5ノーツの間獲得ボルテージが2%増加 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Voltage UP [medium]: 30% completion / attribute If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Voltage gain of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
クリティカルUP [中]:30%達成時/同属性 5ノーツの間クリティカル率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:18% 対象:同属性 | |
Critical UP [medium]: 30% completion / attribute If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the Critical rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (18% activation chance) |
特技発動率UP [中]:30%達成時/同属性 5ノーツの間特技発動率が2%上昇 条件:目標ボルテージ30%達成で1回だけ発動 確率:22% 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate UP [medium]: 30% completion / attribute If activated upon reaching 30% of the target Voltage, increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 2% for the next 5 notes (22% activation chance) |
アピール+ [中]:仲間 基本アピールが2%増加 対象:自身以外 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: allies Increases Appeal stat of all other team members by 2% |
クリティカル+ [中]:仲間 基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 対象:自身以外 | |
Critical+ [medium]: allies Increases the Critical value of taps on all other team members by 2% |
特技発動率+ [中]:仲間 基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 対象:自身以外 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: allies Increases the skill activation rate of all other team members by 0.5% |
アピール+ [小]:全員 基本アピールが1%増加 対象:全員 | |
Appeal+ [small]: all Increases Appeal stat of all members by 1% |
クリティカル+ [小]:全員 基本クリティカル値が1%上昇 対象:全員 | |
Critical+ [small]: all Increases the Critical value of all members by 1% |
特技発動率+ [小]:全員 基本特技発動率が0.3%上昇 対象:全員 | |
Skill activation rate+ [small]: all Increases the skill activation rate of all members by 0.3% |
アピール+ [中]:同学年 基本アピールが2%増加 対象:同学年 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: year group Increases Appeal stat of members of the same year group by 2% |
クリティカル+ [中]:同学年 基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 対象:同学年 | |
Critical+ [medium]: year group Increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same year group by 2% |
特技発動率+ [中]:同学年 基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 対象:同学年 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: year group Increases the skill activation rate of members of the same year group by 0.5% |
アピール+ [中]:同学校 基本アピールが2%増加 対象:同学校 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: school Increases Appeal stat of members of the same school by 2% |
クリティカル+ [中]:同学校 基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 対象:同学校 | |
Critical+ [medium]: school Increases the Critical value of taps on members of the same school by 2% |
特技発動率+ [中]:同学校 基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 対象:同学校 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: school Increases the skill activation rate of members of the same school by 0.5% |
アピール+ [中]:同作戦 基本アピールが2%増加 対象:同作戦 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: subunit Increases Appeal stat of cards in the same subunit by 2% |
クリティカル+ [中]:同作戦 基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 対象:同作戦 | |
Critical+ [medium]: subunit Increases the Critical value of cards in the same subunit by 2% |
特技発動率+ [中]:同作戦 基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 対象:同作戦 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: subunit Increases the skill activation rate of cards in the same subunit by 0.5% |
アピール+ [中]:タイプ 基本アピールが2%増加 対象:同タイプ | |
Appeal+ [medium]: type Increases Appeal stat of cards of the same type by 2% |
クリティカル+ [中]:タイプ 基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 対象:同タイプ | |
Critical+ [medium]: type Increases the Critical value of cards of the same type by 2% |
特技発動率+ [中]:タイプ 基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 対象:同タイプ | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: type Increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same type by 0.5% |
アピール+ [中]:同属性 基本アピールが2%増加 対象:同属性 | |
Appeal+ [medium]: attribute Increases Appeal stat of cards of the same attribute by 2% |
クリティカル+ [中]:同属性 基本クリティカル値が2%上昇 対象:同属性 | |
Critical+ [medium]: attribute Increases the Critical value of cards of the same attribute by 2% |
特技発動率+ [中]:同属性 基本特技発動率が0.5%上昇 対象:同属性 | |
Skill activation rate+ [medium]: attribute Increases the skill activation rate of cards of the same attribute by 0.5% |
ボルテージ獲得 [極]:曲開始時 自身のアピールの40%ボルテージを獲得 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:30% | |
Voltage gain [extreme]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, gives a Voltage boost equal to 40% of own Appeal (30% activation chance) |
ボルテージ獲得 [特]:曲開始時 自身のアピールの35%ボルテージを獲得 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:26% | |
Voltage gain [special]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, gives a Voltage boost equal to 35% of own Appeal (26% activation chance) |
ボルテージ獲得 [大]:曲開始時 自身のアピールの30%ボルテージを獲得 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:22% | |
Voltage gain [big]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, gives a Voltage boost equal to 30% of own Appeal (22% activation chance) |
ボルテージ獲得 [中]:曲開始時 自身のアピールの25%ボルテージを獲得 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:18% | |
Voltage gain [medium]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, gives a Voltage boost equal to 25% of own Appeal (18% activation chance) |
ボルテージ獲得 [小]:曲開始時 自身のアピールの20%ボルテージを獲得 条件:楽曲開始時 確率:14% | |
Voltage gain [small]: beginning of the song If activated at the beginning of the song, gives a Voltage boost equal to 20% of own Appeal (14% activation chance) |